This vocalise was in 2006 composed for Maia Langendonk for her exam program, the violin part was mentioned for her partner, Yvan.
"Māyā" means "illusion" or "enchantment" in Sanskrit and Pāli. Queen Māyā and King Suddhodhana did not have children for twenty years into their marriage. One day however, according to legend, Queen Māyā dreamt of a white elephant entering her side, and became pregnant. According to Buddhist tradition, the Buddha-to-be was residing as a Bodhisattva, in the Tuṣita heaven, and decided to take the shape of a white elephant to be reborn, for the last time, on Earth. At that moment, the whole earth was full of joy;: music instruments were playing themselves, rivers stopped flowing, everywhere flowers were growing, and lotusflowers were covering the lakes. Māyā gave birth to Siddharta c. 563 BCE. The pregnancy lasted ten lunar months. Following custom, the Queen returned to her own home for the birth. On the way, she stepped down from her palanquin to have a walk in the beautiful flower garden of Lumbini Park, Lumbini Zone. She was delighted by the park and she reached for a branch to take a rest. Again according to legend, at this time Prince Siddhārtha emerged from her right side and was born. It was the eighth day of April. She gave him his first bath in the Puskarini pond in Lumbini Zone. Siddhārtha means "He who has accomplished his goals" or "The accomplished goal".Queen Māyā died seven days after the birth of the Buddha-to-be, and went to the Trāyastriṃśa Heaven. Her sister Prajāpatī (Pāli: Pajāpatī or Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī) became the child's foster mother.
One digital file in pdf. containing score and all parts.(14pp)
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