About four years ago, we walked in the park of the Feofaniya park where for the first time in my life I heard ringing gradually the orthodox bells of the St. Panteleimon Cathedral. This evocation is an artistic reconstruction of the recording I made when I was so struck by this intensive and energetic sounds. May these Ukrainian Bells give hope and strength to the people of Ukraine! Slava Ukraïni! Heroyam Slava! Millions of refugees from ukraine are trying to escape the violence of war. Meanwhile, in this troubled country, thousands of cancer patients are being taken care of and cared for in (shelter) cellars, metro stations, etc. For these children, some have lost their parents, there is a chronic lack of medical supplies and oncology drugs. My wife, Krystyna and myself try - through Art4Ukraine - to offer concrete help to these children. In consultation with the Dutch Cancer Society (NL), we want to help these children through the Tabletochki Charity Foundation. This organization is an international partner (UICC) of the KWF, and supports Ukrainian children with cancer, their families, oncology doctors and other oncology care providers. See also www. tabletochki.org.
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